Fabricated Natural Gas Basket Strainer
A vital component in any gas system is the gas basket strainer which not only protects the Pump/Meter/Compressor but the additional components downstream. Jamison Products is a worldwide leader in natural gas and sour gas basket strainers and duplex strainers, with patented designs to improve system performance.
Jamison Products is involved in providing and testing strainers for the API Ad Hoc Committee on Flow Conditioning For Turbine Meters. This has contributed to the development of a new basket strainer, the Jamison Posi-Lock™, which is explicitly designed to improve process performance and prevent bypass caused by movement of the strainer basket in service.
Jamison Products have improved the basket and strainer performance with a patented design Posi-Lock™, ask for details.
Fabricated Natural Gas Basket Strainer
Natural Gas Basket Strainer